Promoting a Healthy Heart

Research shows that regular practice of Transcendental Meditation reduces physical stress and promotes and maintains a healthy heart

Stresirano srce

Srce koje meditira

Stres oštećuje srce

Dokazano je da psihološki stres pojačava aktiviranje simpatetičkog nervnog sistema i osovine hipotalamus-hipofiza-kora nadbubrežne žlezde. Ova pojačana aktivacija oslobađa adrenalin, noradrenalin i kortizol, što dovodi do ubrzanog rada srca, povećane srčane radnje i sužavanja arterija.

Ove promene, povratno, dovode do povišeneog krvnog pritiska. Aktiviranje ovih sistema takođe ubrzava napredovanje ateroskleroze i može dovesti do akutnog prskanja plaka, što za posledicu ima ishemiju srca (angina pektoris), koronarno srčano obolenje i moždani udar.

TM podstiče zdravo srce

Praktikovanje tehnike Transcendentalne Meditacije dva puta dnevno smanjuje pokretanje simpatetičkog nervnog sistema – što, povratno, širi krvne žile i smanjuje hormone stresa kao što su adrenalin, noradrenalin i kortizol i dovodi do ublažavanja stresa. Objavljena istraživanja potvrđuju da TM:

  • - Snižava krvni pritisak
  • - Smanjuje aterosklerozu
  • - Smanjuje stezanje krvnih žila
  • - Smanjuje zadebljanje koronarnih arterija
  • - Smanjuje upotrebu lekova protiv hipertenzije
  • - Smanjuje stopu smrtnosti

Naučna Istraživanja


Smanjenje srčanih faktora rizika

Stres i srce


Research on Heart Disease

The National Institutes of Health has granted over $20 million to study the effects of the Transcendental Meditation program on the prevention and treatment of heart disease, hypertension, and stroke. In addition, hundreds of other studies have been conducted on the beneficial effects of the TM program for mind, health, behavior, and society at over 210 independent universities and research institutions in 33 countries, including Harvard, Yale, and UCLA Medical School.

  • Reduced High Blood Pressure & Death Rates - American Journal of Cardiology
  • Reduced High Blood Pressure & Reduced Hypertensive Medication - American Journal of Hypertension
  • Reduced Atherosclerosis - American Journal of Cardiology
  • Reduced Thickening of Coronary Arteries - The American Heart Association's Stroke
  • Reduced Constriction of Blood Vessels - Psychosomatic Medicine
  • Reduced Blood Pressure - International Journal of Neuroscience
  • Reduced Myocardial Eschemia - American Journal of Cardiology
  • Slowing of Aging - International Journal of Neuroscience
  • Stress Relief - Integrative Cancer Therapies
  • Reduced Hospitalization Rates -American Journal of Managed Care
  • Decreased Medical CareUtilization and Hospitalization - Psychosomatic Medicine
  • Increased Creativity - Journal of Creative Behavior
  • Improved Memory - Memory and Cognition
  • Increased Intelligence - Intelligence
  • Decreased Anxiety - Journal of Clinical Psychology
  • Reduced Alcohol Abuse - American Journal of Psychiatry
  • Increased Productivity - Academy of Management Journal
  • Reduced Blood Pressure:Comparisons with Other Procedures - The American Heart Association's Hypertension