Consciousness and Creativity
(4 mins)
David Lynch, Filmmaker

Consciousness and Creativity

"The Transcendental Meditation technique is a simple, effortless way to dive within, to experience an ocean of pure consciousness, pure creativity, pure knowingness.
It's a unique experience but also very familiar - it is your own Self."

David Lynch, filmmaker and chair of the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace

Increase intelligence and creativity

Your brain did not come fully assembled at birth. Through the natural processes of maturation and experience, your brain is being created anew at every moment, to support all your thinking, deciding and behaviour. The on-going creation of your brain is a dynamic process.

The experience of restful alertness during Transcendental Meditation creates the optimum condition to unfold your full potential, for maximum intelligence and creativity in a completely effortless way, while preventing the damaging effects of stress on the brain.

The Journal of Creative Behaviour
1979 13:169–180

The effect of Transcendental Meditation

Individuals who learned Transcendental Meditation showed increased creativity in comparison to controls, as measured by a higher level of pictorial originality when measured after five months of practice. They also showed increased creativity, as measured by higher levels of pictorial flexibility and verbal fluency (not charted).

video: Fred Travis

Kada mozak transcendira (6 min)
Dr Fred Travis, Direktor, Center for Brain, Consciousness and Cognition

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"U toku TM teške stvari dobijaju blage obrise, kao na mesečini. Čudesno je kako u tih dvadeset minuta može da stane čitav svet. Možda i više. Sve se zaustavlja i smanjuje. Posle izranjaš pun svetlosti, energije, kao ponovo rođen. Nazovimo to metamorfozom kroz koju na vrhovima prstiju prilaziš bliže sopstvu. Spoljašnji svet ostaje samo omotač koji skidaš sa sebe, sa svim teretima, napetostima, stanjima jauka. I ta tišina koja nastaje unutra, u biću, usred meditacije, znaš da je to ona koju toliki traže. Središte.Celovitost. Mir."

Marija Šimoković, pesnikinja

Tatjana Bajalica
Operska pevačica

"Transendentalnu meditaciju praktikujem svakodnevno, poslednjih 28 godina života i uživam u mnogim blagodetima ove prakse, kao što su veći osećaj smirenosti, bolje zdravlje, veća profesionalna kreativnost i mladalački izgled. Toplo je preporučujem svima!"